Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Delete Atheros Drivers

conceivable II

21st November 2010
With or without a condom: The Pope remains Catholic

This is rightly a top message in all news programs - If at all someone is interested: The Pope has relaxed his condom. Is wrong. The Pope goes to his informal condom than before. Then again, not really. The Pope is the representative of God on earth. Especially if he is a German. That is certainly true. The German Pope and his (German?) God have now been relaxed on the subject of condoms. Do not know if that's true. Perhaps if this is the

: prostitutes are allowed to bring in an audience of German Pope a condom. Or more? Could however also mean all hookers are or become a Catholic and therefore must be protected from AIDS. Therefore, the German pope, the condom ban Prostitutes lifted.

But this is only a first step towards a joyful sex. Now must have at least the prostitutes. Says the German Pope, thinking surely further. If all women are whores and Catholic, is the all-encompassing protection against AIDS.

The German pope will therefore something. Reveals, however, not all his plans. Finally, the German Pope has been a Catholic. And that's good?


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