Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Sims 3 Nipple And Hair

to-read 2010

4th November 2010
Germany in decline

The Deputy Chief of the Turkish religious duties speaks about German imams. He fears that Germany surrenders too much fear.

The world , 3 November 2010

third November 2010
Bremen: Jehovah's Witness threatened with court action

In September 2010, the Jehovah's Witnesses citizenship President Christian Weber had asked for a lawyer to get the recognition too fast across the stage. Otherwise we will sue, the lawyer for the religious community at that time on demand by Radio Bremen. The Greens see the left. The recognition was not an enforceable administrative act, but a parliamentary decision.

Radio Bremen , 2 November 2010

first November 2010
Germany a theocracy?

City of God lives, it must you go really slow. Fanned by the integration of debate about Islam and now by SPD members who want to establish a committee "secularists" in the SPD , the calls for a Christian Germany louder. Although about 34% of our population is non-denominational and we live in a secular state, seem increasing number of politicians from all parties for radical religious interests to use.

Continue here

30th October 2010
More extreme forms

It is here noted that more developed in all areas of development and extreme forms. In this respect, the fact that this happens in religious areas too logical. In Christianity, for example, the Jehovah's witnesses more or less a "light-formation" are. The Scientology sect is there already a violent form that specifically manipulate the mind of people and can involve at most skilful manner, even with prominent people. At worst, the members are psychologically controlled so that they subordinate themselves completely and live their entire possessions of the sect, whose leading figures then filthy rich and like the kings, how nice.

Forward 29 24th October 2010

October 2010
More protests against Scientology

went in September when some Scientologists in the pedestrian area of the county town to catch members, has been chasing some Bad Oldesloer a fright. Therefore the Stormarner DGB-Chef Uwe Teut invited on Wednesday a the cult expert Ursula Caberta to inform about the sect and to answer questions. Caberta has 18 years, the Scientology Task Force led by the Hamburg Senate. She describes Scientology as "a new form of political extremism" with a kind of intelligence, of trying to prevent negative information about the sect. A recruitment team try the "raw meat" attracting (non-Scientologists).

Hamburger Abendblatt 22 22nd October 2010

October 2010
Are all Christians Satanists?

remarkable observations of a lawyer

16th October 2010
deadlines for recognition unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court, the waiting periods for state recognition of religious communities has lifted. At present, a group of believers, without exception, to exercise a religion for 20 years and be registered for ten years as a religious confessional community, until it is officially recognized in Austria as a religious community. This provision , the Supreme Court on Thursday lifted in a published knowledge as unconstitutional.

Standard 14 14th October 2010

October 2010
negative for children

sects are especially tragic if they have negative effects on the children of its members. They include the spread in the region Organic Christ-generation.

Zürcher Oberland 12 26th October 2010

September 2010
champagne chef is ground to hot

Hannes Scholl himself smiling with his sect years ago the life of the family. He now lives as Marc Steinberg South Africa. "The soil here is it too hot," says Maria Lohmann. She turned him into heated rigorous, that each tells of his deception and psychological tricks. "He has never forgiven me." She does not care. With the beautiful Hannah is finished, and her family also. "Sometimes I wonder what would have been if we did not get the kids out there." The thought she shuddered.

Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 24 9th September 2010
September 2010
Only a madman

Old Bob, head of the fundamentalist group "Disciples of Christ" from Tennessee wants to make a video of the combustion on the Internet.

Hamburger Abendblatt , 9 23rd September 2010

August 2010
Hans-Christian Ströbele to Scientology

me away completely is to defend the Scientologists, and what you do and promote. I also demonstrations and the fight against the spread of the sect in Germany to be necessary and worthy of support. I see the suffering that has brought the sect to seduce members.

But on the question of whether state prohibitions and criminal prosecution, without referring them to specific crimes are correct, it should be able to debate, without having sympathy with this sect or the suspected to totalitarianism.

Members Watch 20 19th August 2010

August 2010
"crime scene" theme sects

On 29 August is the next-Austria "crime scene" aired. The episode "Faith, Love and Death" plays in the champagne genre by Luke Linz storm comes the script.

Upper Austrian newspaper 19 18th August 2010

August 2010
Scientology counseling center is closed

In Hamburg closes the only Scientology counseling center of the Republic. For years, the sect has tried to achieve just that.

The world 18 10th August 2010

daughter of Tom Cruise wants to get out
Bella has had enough of August 2010

Scientology. The adopted daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman no longer wants to live according to strict Scientology rules and force an exit from the sect.

Netplosiv , 9 5th August 2010

August 2010
sect makes swindle

One of the most controversial Ukrainian sects, "Embassy of God", the Nigerian by the pastor, Sunday Adeladcho is directed shall, from now on in Ukraine officially as a criminal organization. Rise to such allegations is the explanation a high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine. According to the ministry, Viktor Iltschuk, Sunday Adeladcho was involved in million-dollar swindle, in which he invited the members of his sect, considerable credit by a lien on their own flats or houses take.

Ukrainian Radio , 4 31st August 2010

July 2010
Less money for the churches

The issue stirs emotions, especially in times of public funds: nearly half a billion euros in grants received in 2009 the two main churches of the provinces. Too much, said the liberal party chairman in Schleswig-Holstein Landtag, Wolfgang Kubicki, his Lower Saxony, Christian Dürr and the Green leader in the Saarland, Hubert Ulrich, "Der Spiegel". Kubicki has proposed talks with the churches after the summer break.

world 31 29th January 2010

July 2010
the 'voice of God "in court

Rolf Schälike Buskeismus reported on his site about an exciting event.

Read here

20th July 2010
successor to Sven Kalisch, University of Münster

The Islamic teacher training at the University of Münster has another face: The Islamic scholar Mouhanad Khorchide was on Monday appointed to the Chair of Islamic religious education. Originally from Lebanon, 38 - year-old had been a few weeks - trained future Islamic religious teachers for public schools - by proxy. He previously worked at the Islamic Religious Pedagogic Academy in Vienna.

star 20 19th July 2010

July 2010
Jehovah's Witness receives a carnival-warning - correctly

A member of Jehovah's Witnesses had refused for religious reasons, to prepare a carnival. But they conceded a warning by the employer - and rightly so, as the Labour Court Freiburg decided.

Süddeutsche Zeitung 19 18th July 2010

July 2010
Jehovah's Witnesses: Waiting for the apocalypse

Church Lutz Lemhöfer expert looks behind the scenes of a religious community that rejects the blood transfusions and is waiting for the apocalypse.

HR, 16 13th July 2010

July 2010
hardly feed to classical sects

in Graz on Tuesday for the latest report of sparkling wine in the country were presented. Accordingly, the supply dwindles in Styria to traditional sects, small, but radical groups to take.

ORF 13 July 2010

10th July 2010
celibacy as proof of God

The importance of the priestly ministry has been recognized for the deeper sources and for the people. And also: how important is the gift of celibacy. Because it so the sting is to our society. So it surprised no idea how much they anrennt it. In a celibate one must always say: Either the crazy, or God exists. There is no other alternative. And when they realize the person who is not crazy, there must be God. Convincing lived celibacy is still the most convincing proof of God.

The world 10 July 2010

8th July 2010
boarders tortured

Ettal was the beginning of the year with the Berlin Canisius College in the center of the abuse scandal of the Catholic Church in Germany. At that time it was announced that boarding students from their coaches for decades beaten and tortured, abused and sexually isolated. According to the final report by an outside special prosecutor 1960-1990 were more than a hundred students into victims.

world , 8 July 2010

5th July 2010
Go into all the world ...

You are not to be overlooked: about 40 large homes have On the outskirts of Dunning at the sports ground rings arranged around a large tent. The gable of the tent sports a Neon Cross, including a banner proclaimed, "Jesus loves you!"

New Rottweiler newspaper , 3 July 2010

23rd June 2010
bled to death after accident Jehovah Witness

Jehovah's Witness dies after motorcycle accident. A blood transfusion that would have him possibly saved his life, he refused. The case now employs the prosecutor's office in Siegen.

The West 22 18th June 2010

June 2010
When it comes on the indictment?

According to the indictment of ex-teachers of the Episcopal Marienschule his 14-year-old student abused. The prosecution considers the statements of the girl to believe. She had been in love with the teacher.

Rheinische Post, 18 17th June 2010

June 2010
healing in the foreground

Especially problematic was the increase in requests for strong charismatic-oriented communities that healing is a priority. As an example infoSekta calls the Kingdom Embassy International. They are just not by promises of salvation , with which they attract people with severe disabilities, they prefer very young people under its spell.

Humanist Press 17 June 2010

14th June 2010
money in the center of the success

hardly a religious movement is growing around the world are as fast as the Pentecostal movement. In Brazil, where there are so many Catholics than in almost any other country. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung "reported one of the fastest growing Pentecostal churches in Brazil. At the heart of the success of the "sect" is according to the author just one thing: money.

Christian Media Pro Magazine 14 11th June 2010

June 2010
Moscow on Jehovah's Witnesses have violated

With a ban on the Moscow branch of the Jehovah's Witnesses pay Russia religious freedom. In that case, the European Court of Human Rights took place on Thursday in Strasbourg. The judges saw the fundamental principles of religion and freedom of injured, saying the sect to 20,000 euros compensation. The authorities had dissolved the Moscow municipality wrongly banned their activities and denied her readmission.

Vatican Radio 10 June 2010

9th June 2010
After ZJ-recognition, it has become quiet

After legal recognition as a religious community in 2009 as the 14th Religious Association in Austria, it has become quiet around the Jehovah's Witnesses. Only the critics do not fall silent.

Press , 6 26th June 2010
May 2010
five years in Scientology

she managed to escape: Ruth Dridi (48) spent five years as prisoners of a religious psycho. Now she speaks about the first time.

view 23
12th May 2010 May 2010
end announcement of the new Jehovah's Witnesses

At the 125th General meeting of the WT Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania on 3 10. 2009, John Barr, a senior member of the corporation incurred in an enthusiastic mood of a new, possibly in time near end-time announcement.

Thomas Gandow

12th May 2010
Sexual Abuse: A leading ZJ member was accused

A leading member of the Jehovah's Witnesses accused in Baden-Württemberg for sexual abuse of children. He allegedly raped two girls.

BZ, 12th 11th May 2010

May 2010
About Tom Cruise made fun of?

evil, evil: High-ranking members of the Scientology church should have reported that minutes of confidential talks with Hollywood star Tom Cruise at night drinking binges as party entertainment read aloud, laughing.

crown 10 May 2010

6th May 2010
contradiction in NAK youth magazine

cover story in the current Edition 04/07 spirit of the New Apostolic youth magazine - a product of the church-owned publisher Friedrich Bischoff - is "'s May be a little more - victims". That alone would be no need to report on victims because the issue is increasingly becoming a permanent threat, the more the victim of revenue specifically for the NAC are extremely profitable Germany declined. No, it is worth noting that the spirit-makers - for a church own medium completely atypical - unverblühmt dogmatic character containing statements such as "victims brings blessings" of the present church head explain Wilhelm Leber and his predecessor to "popular misconceptions about the victims."


third May 2010
ZJ-child should not see film

fight two Jehovah's Witnesses from North Rhine-Westphalia's highest administrative court to ensure that their child should stay away from religious conviction a cinema with the school. The dispute revolves around the film "Krabat".

image , 2 27th May 2010

April 2010
What are Sects?

As he reiterated on Monday at the request of the "common", were all religious communities, which are not official churches, sects. Therefore he also see no reason to withdraw his remarks in the social committee.

Giessen General 26 April 2010

21st April 2010
thorn in the Catholic Church

not only critical reporting, including freedom of expression is the Catholic Church is a thorn in the side. To prevent it, we dread the time and trouble.

Regensburg digital 20 April 2010

7th April 2010
Madonna in champagne country

The pop singer educate an entire generation in Africa, according to the rules of the controversial Kabbalah Centre. The Malawian government is watching the world away.

courier , 7 6th April 2010

April 2010
Angry and bitter?

I am just by chance while surfing came here. Lord I Tjardes talking to them once they sound like a bitter old man before something terrible has experienced. You need something where they can their anger drann omission.

comment NAK items on Sajonara , 5 April 2010

4th April 2010
poster advertising for leaving the church

A large sign at the Biberach station is causing a stir: it promotes the exit from the church and gives as the primary basis of the abuse scandals. Father Alfred Tönnis wants to take action against the poster and the clerk's office review legal action. Behind the poster is an initiative that is apparently close to a cult.

Schwäbische Zeitung, 3 April 2010

first April 2010
If nothing is left ...

is ... Jürg Stettler spokesman for Scientology.


31st March 2010
Scientology film: New ban discussion after the broadcast?

The Hamburg Scientology expert Ursula Caberta hopes that with today's Evening in the ARD broadcast TV drama "Until nothing remains" a new debate over a ban on the organization begins.

Financial 31 21st March 2010

March 2010
More and more esoteric victims

The 65-year-old woman food was flabbergasted when her daughters, she confronts. Two of her siblings were not her real siblings, but born of a rape of the mother by her grandfather. A doctor was unveiled at a family one. All the protestations of the mother, was there nothing in it, took nothing. The daughters thought of the "expert". The family threatened to break.

The West 20 March 2010

19th March 2010
Paul Thomas Anderson asks: How are cults?

In his next film, Paul Thomas Anderson to deal with the emergence of religion and sects. The main role in the planned under the working title The Film Master will play Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Moviepilot 18 March 2010

15th March 2010
education and redemption rhetoric

The German reform pedagogy before the First World War in large part a conceptual blend of Platonism life reform and reactionary social theory. The "new education" was tied to redemption rhetoric that constantly implored a pedagogical Eros, which was to determine the alternative practice. Theosophy and anthroposophy attracted the seekers of the "new education" which could then be wrapped with the "spirit" of elite education.

FAZ, 15 March 2010

9th March 2010
Pope's brother slaps Domspatzen

Meanwhile admitted the former Director of Music Georg Ratzinger, Regensburger to have beaten themselves members of the choir cathedral choir. "I was at the beginning of repeated blows are dealt," said Ratzinger, who worked from 1964 1994 in office. He also admitted that he had known in the pre-boarding of beatings. "I knew that director M. has spread very violent blows," said the brother of Pope Benedict XVI. Students had told him about it.

Frankfurter Rundschau , 9 March 2010

6th March 2010
visited Katie Holmes Scientology seminars

Tom Cruise's now partout another child - and sends his wife Katie Holmes so special in-sects seminars.

view , 6 March 2010

19th February 2010
Jehovah's Witnesses: To Former leading member under heavy suspicion

The heavy accusation of abusing two young girls sexually, against a former leading member of the Jehovah's Witnesses brought in the district of Rottweil.

Black Bote 19 February 2010

17th February 2010
Jehovah's Witnesses: Legal setback

It was about a case which occurred in October 2008 in Bocholt at a high school: The for the religious community of Jehovah's Witnesses belong to parents of a 13-year-olds wanted to prevent that the boy in the context of teaching German film "Krabat" look.

mirror 16 February 2010

13th February 2010
Also in Meck-Pom recognized

After a number of other states also Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has recognized the Jehovah's Witnesses as a public corporation.

Ostsee-Zeitung, 11 February 2010

third February 2010
feature film about Scientology

Still got it after repeated attempts have been the religious organization to take on the course of the production process - according to Berggruen by calls, not by legal injunctions. The SWR was kept secret and the locations repeatedly changed the working title. The broadcast is now for 31 March provided. In the film Felix Klare, Silke Bender and Nina Kunzendorf ground is about a father who manages to break free from the clutches of Scientology, yet lose his family. The film is based on a true story. second February 2010

abuse in Catholic institutions

blame for the abuses in Catholic institutions do not only celibacy. A messed sexual climate in the church, their worldliness and faith are the reasons.

taz , 2 February 2010

first February 2010
Scientology: many mixed

media remains in the sect, however, remains an issue. The Americanist approaches the organization over which he also wrote a book, objective, but does not belittle. He sketches the history of science fiction who died in 1986 author and cult founder L. Ron Hubbard. Then the researcher explained the complex hierarchical structure of the group, their composite of different ideas Website. Were mixed elements of psychoanalysis, science fiction literature and other religions.

Hilpotsteiner newspaper 28 January 2010

first February 2010
should die 81 Jehovah's Witnesses

he stated that his motive revenge, as his daughter joined the community of faith. In court, the man did not initially have a say. 28th January 2010

Short News, 25th January 2010

Lange public acknowledgment of failure

for months on the ongoing controversy over the proposed recognition of the controversial faith community as a public corporation, none of the speakers in Freiburg. "Like other persecuted minorities in the Third Reich... Was also a Jehovah's Witness refused for decades a public assessment," stressed the head of the memorial site Neuengamme, Detlef Garbe.

Badische Zeitung 28 January 2010

23rd January 2010
a comment ...

It is simply this: There are

people do not realize that there is change, not Mr. Tjaden?

I mean, it's very impractical if the NAK is now suddenly "normal" is.

Because they have to suddenly rethink and scapegoat someone else for your books Look, stupid what? because your books are suddenly out of fashion, like the old Brockhauslexiken today no pig read more because they are out of date.

Yes, and for this reason one of the NAC is still holding the old mistakes, (which they themselves have for the most part and has apologized publicly, see Youth) ago.

Because it is not so new.

But do not worry Mr. Tjaden, we have NAK Charitable because they can register like if they do not sell books anymore, I'm sure there can be set up a donations fund o)

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